Quick Generator Starbase/Colony Names
Whats the name of the settlement or starbase found in the void?
As a culture of civilisation begins to explore space, a starbase or colony becomes inevitable. Much as how the cradle world was explored and settled, often with conflict, so too does one (or more) cultures begin to explore the almost infinite void of space for resources, room or just to see what is out there. Having a base or colony to work from makes this process so much easier.
This quick generator PDF gives you two d100 tables that, when the results are combined, give you 10,000 possible names (official or nickname/use names) for a starbase or colony.
Publishers Note – This is a trimmed down “Quick Generator” version of the Starbase/Colony Name tables found in “Starbase/Colony” PDF also by Ennead Games
Examples of the 10,000 possible outputs include…
- Valhalla Node
- Chronos Point
- Pilgrim 9
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DTRPG new site design can delay new titles showing up once they have gone live from the publishers’ side of things – This can take up to some hours – Work is being done to reduce this but if a title doesn’t show up this is why!
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