Sci-Fi Tarot Card Names & Concepts
Tarot Card names and concepts for a sci-fi/modern setting
Tarot is a pack of playing cards from approximately the mid-15th Century created to play various card games. They are also commonly known today as a tool for divination in some form.
Often divided up into two groups, commonly known as the major and minor arcana, and spread out in various orders and layouts, a Tarot deck can be used as a tool for divination or a way of tapping into your subconscious or a psychic realm to get answers to questions and many more other reasons!
This publication gives you a series of tables that can help generate names, variations and concepts about Tarot cards, along with a few suggested spreads or layouts – What they mean is up to you!
Knowledge of how to use a Tarot deck is recommended to make full use of this but is not required if you want names or concepts for the cards.
Examples outputs include :
- The Eight of Starships (inverted)
- The Five of Viruses
- The Four of Entomology (inverted)
- The Grateful Cosmonaut (inverted)
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