Need a name for your Nordic females? Roll a d20 and check below to see what you get!

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D20,Nordic Female Name
1,Ase Ulfhedinsdottir
2,Aslaug Hallisdottir
3,Bergthora Steinthorsdottir
4,Bjorghild Kjallaksdottir
5,Edda Sveinsdottir
6,Fredegand Glumsdottir
7,Gudlaug Hjalmarsdottir
8,Hallfrid Fjorisdottir
9,Jorunn Ljotsdottir
10,Osk Snorrisdottir
11,Saeun Gellirsdottir
12,Signy Vestarsdottir
13,Sigrlinn Onundsdottir
14,Thjodhild Thorvaldsdottir
15,Thorfinn Kjarvalsdottir
16,Thorgerd Knutsdottir
17,Thorun Ratisdottir
18,Throa Geirsdottir
19,Vigdis Svidisdottir
20,Yngvild Svertingsdottir

Want more Nordic female names? Then get “100 Nordic Names – Female“.


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