English: Old dwarf
English: Old dwarf (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This weeks handy list is for Dwarven names suitable for the last name or Clan name. Just roll a d20 and see what clan your dwarf belongs to.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20,Clan Name
1 , Axefighter
2 , Axegrinder
3 , Axslayer
4 , Brightsmith
5 , Deathbeard
6 , Evilsmiter
7 , Forgefighter
8 , Goblinbreaker
9 , Goodminer
10 , Hammerhelm
11 , Hammerthrower
12 , Ironmaker
13 , Mountainwalker
14 , Rubysmith
15 , Slatecutter
16 , Soulforge
17 , Stonesmith
18 , Stronghand
19 , Swordbuilder
20 , Warcrusher


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