With me having got past the FFXIV bottleneck quest, I figured out yesterday that I need to update my streaming schedule and plans, so today – here it is! This schedule is starting from tonight (Thursday the 30th of April)

Updated Schedule

  • Monday –  Borderlands 3 (Then back to ESO once its done)
  • Tuesday – Star Trek Online
  • Wednesday – Guild Wars 2
  • Thursday –  FFXIV
  • Friday – Stardew Valley – Then the Assassins Creed Saga play through



As mentioned before, LOTRO is still a game i will be playing, but off stream as its a game that is quite slow paced and perfect for me to chill and relax with on a Sunday afternoon. Tonight’s FFXIV stream will be a test stream. I will be tweaking the settings a lot, getting things optimized and so on.  If it is too sluggish/frame drops a ton or other technical issue, then will revisits if i stream it. The game works fine for me off stream, but experience has taught me that doesn’t mean it will run fine when I go live.


Future Games

These are games that are high on my “to play” list. Not sure when i will get the chance to do so (apart from the AC saga), but

Assassins Creed Saga – played in the order listed below (not to 100% completion but to story done and assuming i dont get stuck.frustrated etc)

  • AC 1
  • AC 2 : Deluxe
  • AC : Brotherhood
  • AC : Revelations
  • AC 3 : Remastered
  • AC 4 : Black Flag
  • AC : Rogue
  • AC 5 : Unity
  • AC 6 : Syndicate
  • AC : Origins
  • AC : Odyssey
  • AC : Vahalla (whenever it comes out and assuming i can run it)


Other Games – This list will be expanded over time

  • Rimworld + DLC
  • Slime Rancher
  • Balders Gate 3 (whenever it comes out)
  • Several WH40k Games



Twitch – Main https://www.twitch.tv/mobiustempus





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