[List] -20 Ancient Egyptian Names
This week 20 names that were inspired by Ancient Egypt. Some may argue that the people of that era didn’tRead More
1 responseIdeas, tools, and generators to help and inspire for your games and story-telling
This week 20 names that were inspired by Ancient Egypt. Some may argue that the people of that era didn’tRead More
1 responseAncient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in whatRead More
Book of the Dead The Book of the Dead (BotD) is an ancient Egyptian funerary text, a collection of religiousRead More
Adjtep-renthys Isetpator Amandet Isetonkhem Amunnetpet Nebheb Amunpakhis Tahsut Apoast-bithdis Mehianath Asetnaktath Karkephis Ashebi-tetaten Neferonimen Henutheb Pashet Ipnetdis Khareneb Karaten ShemsenptahRead More