Here is a test sample from the Tavern Kit Generator I am working on for Tablesmith. The Menu system and NPC details have yet to be created, but most other parts are ready

Tavern Name: The Slow Birch
===== Owner, Staff & Notable Patrons =====
Owner : Poseylos Ptomeleuo
Staff : 2
Notable Patrons : 5
===== Construction =====
Typical Doors– door text
Typical Windows– window text
Walls– Southern maple
Flooring– sandstone slabs
Floor Covering– no floor covering
Roof-Sloped & made from ceramic tiles
===== Floors & Rooms =====
Bar/Dining Room
Room Shape -Rectangle : Room Size -Tiny
Extra Details:

Room Shape -Rectangle : Room Size -Tiny
Extra Details:
Decoration(stuffed monkey)

Guest rooms – Low Quality
Room Shape -Rectangle : Room Size -Small
Extra Details:

2 Upper Floors
Floor 1:
Guest Room – High Quality
Room Shape -Square : Room Size -Gargantuan
Extra Details:
Storage(chest),Damage/Mess(clothing text here – ripped),Lighting(free standing lights),Other(Machinery – Heating),Damage/Mess(scratches – ceiling),Smells(rose),Storage(chest),Storage(cabinet),

Owners Bedroom
Room Shape -Circle : Room Size -Gargantuan
Extra Details:
Furniture(cabinet),Storage(sack),Lighting(free standing lights),Other(Apparently Empty),Heating(under floor),Smells(bacon),Secrets(Site of a summoning),Storage(sack),

Floor 2:
Guest Room – High Quality
Room Shape -Octagon (8 sides) : Room Size -Medium
Extra Details:
Smells(musk),Damage/Mess(broken children’s toys),

VIP Suite
Room Shape -Rectangle : Room Size -Tiny
Extra Details:

Wine Room
Room Shape -Rectangle : Room Size -Large
Extra Details:
Other(Squeaky floorboard),Other(Machinery – Heating),Heating(under floor),Other(Security Feature),

===== External Features =====
Outdoor dining area
===== Menu & Services =====
===== Staff Details =====
Owner :
Poseylos Ptomeleuo

Staff :
Thrrak of Dardukr
Joi Rosser

Patron(s) :
Alexei Petrukhin
Urrordainu Hurwarf
Philip O’Coigley
Graziella Moroni
Aelynyrlir Rinlii

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