huge caravan (205 bearers) led by Olafera, average (level 3 expert) human caravan leader, on the way to Lake Greengate.

Caravan Goods:

  • 18 bearers carrying iron ingots (18 units)
  • 10 bearers carrying bolts of luxury cloth (10 units)
  • 16 bearers carrying lead ingots (16 units)
  • 12 bearers carrying steel forge-bars (12 units)
  • 24 bearers carrying bales of raw cotton (24 units)
  • 66 bearers carrying sacks of rye (66 units)
  • 12 bearers carrying bundles of furs (12 units)
  • 34 bearers carrying bales of raw wool (34 units)
  • 13 bearers carrying sacks of wheat (13 units)

    Traveling Events
    Rain slowed the caravan by 4 days.
    Attacked by 27 ravens.

    Caravan Workers:

  • Laborers: 68
  • Animal Handlers: 51

    Caravan Guards:
    Total: 164

  • The guards’ leader is a 8th level human warrior mounted on a light war horse wearing breastplates (AC=15) and armed with a light lance and longsword
  • (25) 1st level halfling warriors on foot wearing hide armor (AC=13) and carrying longswords and crossbows .
  • (32) 2nd level half-elven warriors on foot wearing hide armor (AC=13) and carrying shortswords and longbows .
  • (24) 1st level human warriors on foot wearing hide armor (AC=13) and carrying pikes .
  • (21) 1st level half-elven warriors mounted on heavy war horses wearing hide armor (AC=13) and carrying spears and shortswords.
  • (27) 1st level human warriors on foot wearing studded leather armor (AC=13) and carrying halberds .
  • (18) 1st level human warriors on foot wearing hide armor (AC=13) and carrying spears and longswords .
  • (17) 2nd level half-elven warriors on foot wearing studded leather armor (AC=13) and carrying shortswords and crossbows .


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