Update Upgrade To Update Board  - geralt / Pixabay

No “World Building” stuff this week as I got a few things I need to sort out that have porven to be , not necessarily complicated but more…fiddly…than I first anticipated and both are in some way related to the streams.

The first – Marvel Midnight Suns. Started playing/streaming that last night.  The game itself is fine, not a style of game for everyone, but that is ok and I’m enjoying it. The issue I’m having, and a lot of other people as well by the look of it, is that for some reason the game has TWO launchers.. so it goes :

  1. Start Epic launcher/client
  2. Start 2K launcher
  3. Start Game

Yeah…it’s…I mean…WHY??

This seems to be causing an issue, like an increase in loading times for folks even when having a 4060 card and 32 gigs of RAM and it’s installed on a decent SSD. Apparently, there is a way to bypass this, and it’s what I’m looking into. I imagine it won’t be simple or done quickly.

There is also, for some reason and it is only on one screen a clipping issue, but it is minor. It’s one of those “now I know it’s there it’s going to bug me” sort of thing.


Now, onto the Good News!

A few months ago, for some numpty-headed reason, twitch removed the Watch-Party feature. I said then, after I finished swearing, that if I could find a way to legally bring it back, I would.

Well, I have!

Before, a twitch watch party (TWP) would be handled by them and only covered things on Amazon prime. This new way allows

Now, It can be done , well, I suppose manually is the best way of describbing it.

  1. We (both me and whomever is watching along) have their own purchased/streamed etc copy of whatever we’re watching
  2. The Watch Along (WA) basicaly becomes a “just chatting” stream, with us, me and the chat, watching whatever alongside the twitch stream
  3. I have a timer on screen showing what point of the episode/film we’re on for people to sync up with – This is basically what TWP handled automatically
  4. We enjoy and chat about the show/film etc

The main reason why it’s taken longer than I thought it would was finding a timer/stop watch type plugin or overlay I was happy with and had decent controls to allow me to show time, start/pause and restart and so on.

Now that’s taken care of for the most part – I still have to set up hotkeys so I can bind the controls to a button on the elgato deck – The most pressing issues are:

  1. When to run the Watch Alongs?
  2. What to watch?

I’m thinking of either Wednesdays, to keep the illteration of “Watch Along” Wednesday OR Fridays, as new stuff tends to be released towards the end of the week.

Let me know what you think!



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