The last update of the year! Will be the 25th next week, then after that, well, it be NYD! The next weekly update will be covering my plans/goals for the year – Weather or not i achieve them is another thing, but having something to guide me will help. Will probably be a big old post of stuff and things will change as circumstances permit.
The last PDF was Name Maker Real World Volume 2 – German and it seems to have done ok, not horrible, but not brilliant either – This was to be expected with a very niche item.
World Anvil
The Combination of Vulang and World Anvil is frankly, amazing. I will be delving into it some more in the new year to see what it , and I, can do.
Despite a few issues, streaming is still going on, with STO , looking at the numbers, being the weekly stream that pulls in the biggest numbers. Part of me want to do that more, BUT, and i speak from expereince, I do NOT want to burn out on it again. Took me over a year to get past that last time and I suspsect if it happened again it would take longer to sort out – something i do NOT want.
- M – ESO – Am still technicaly in the first region story arc (not counting Elswhy) – The game is much bigger then i gave it credit for, this will be lasting for a long time
- T – STO – Finally in the Delta Quadrant and dealt with Cooper – The amount of things from this and the next arc that influenced my STA game is , well., amusing. The amount of times i have caught myself thinking “ooooh, THATS where i got that idea from…”
- W – GW2 – Have finally, after literally years and technical issues, beat the base game for the first time. All other times i had skipped the last mission because i couldnt complete it. Now I have..Great Success! Currently working through the Living World Season 2 before hitting Heart of Thorns expansion. This is another game that will take me ages to finish and I am ok with that
- T – LOTRO – Still in Bree/Old Forest for now, but ass this is a slow playthrough where I try to do all the quests (apart from those hobbit delivery /pie quests…eff them) so I am overleverled as much as possible for Moria and eventually Mordor, I am fine with this.
- F – Outer Worlds – This game…dammm. Didnt play it last week I was having a bad brain day, but i love it to bits. and have found out there is a DLC expected to come out next year as well…wooo hoo!
Twitch – Main
Other Stuff
I have recently acquired HitFilm Pro bundle from Humble Bundle (at the time of posting this it was still ongoing) , a video editing program. This is mostly for my own amusement and as a non-rpg related hobby, but I *may* be releasing the vids I make with it. However, the first few I made have so many IP materials in it that will never happen, but for my own personal amusement, this could be fun. The best bit is I have picked up the basics very easy, but I am under no ilussions that it will take me a while to fully get to grips with and configure how i want.
In the mean time, I bid you all a merry festive season, and may the dice roll ever in your favour!
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