It is Wednesday and that time of the week again.


There was a PDF out this week, Real World Names Danish, but after some particular nasty comments from people I removed it from sale. Other projects are being worked on still, but frankly it pulled all wind from my sails and has made me reluctant to make any more in the series.


World Anvil

The first of the articles on the various gods of Easthalen has gone up and been updated – Aera, the goddess of trade and generosity.

World Anvil Article Page

World Anvil Easthalen Page




  • M – ESO – Was not in a good place mentally on monday so had to skip ESO. Something to be aware of is that ESO is going to have a BIG update next week, i think starting on the monday i normally play, so may skip it next week as well. From all accounts, this is meant to help out and lay the grounds for updates in the future and make the game better now, but has to be done.
  • T – STO – Oh my…the new ships…they are…*dribbles*…. Plus the little old damocles as well. If i didnt want to burn through the storyline I could play that game a lot more then I do, but I dont want to get burnt out again, so having to restrain myself
  • W -GW2 –  Switching to the ranger, an older class, has made things so much easier for me. The mesmer is a great fun class, but too many options , for me i should say, to make effective use of
  • T – LOTRO – Just started in North Downs zone, taking my time and leveling slowly. This is defiantly a game you can appreciate more if you dont rush things.
  • F – Stardew Valley – This game is so different, but chilled and relaxing. Just got into Summer now and got a second chicken, which was named Zinger, after a certain burger item from KFC…yeah….

Twitch – Main


Other Stuff

Nothing much else to say – Got a couple of new projects to work on. Have tried updating the generators, but the , lets call it state of mind, made it almost impossible to focus. I think the best way going forward is to say That any project plans are “what I hope to do” rather then “this will happen”


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