That time of the week again.


This week saw the release of the latest in the Equipment Maker series , namely “Equipment Maker 9 – Scrolls” . It’s done ok sales wise, could be better, but could be worse. Still there was a sale on at the time and its not uncommon for items that are released in a sale at full price to not do as well – But not complaining, just an observation 🙂


World Anvil

The process of going through older WA articles and tweaking them to be in Easthalen continues with “Farbrough Penal Colony”, a remote prison island in a hard to reach location and genraly speaking, pretty damm miserable place to be incarcerated.

World Anvil Article Page

World Anvil Easthalen Page




Observer is a brilliant and in my opinion underrated cyberpunk-horror game – it’s defiantly NOT for the faint hearted – its not OTT, but there are some scene that defiantly made me go “ooh noo thats not right”. Its also a fair bit shorter than I first thought – Shoulld be finish the game mid-stream tonight, then will be playing some GW2.

Setting things for next week and the new rotation , which as a reminder will be as follows:

  • Monday – ESO
  • Tuesday – Star Trek Online – Will be creating a new character and basing the captain and crew of the Damocles from my STA stream. Will be trying to do more fleet stuff as well, but thats not 100%
  • Wednesday – GW2
  • Thursday – LOTRO – Again will be making a new character , this time a hobbit minstrel, because hobbits are awesome and i not played a minstrel for a looooong time, practically never
  • Friday – Freedom Fridays – The name started as a joke on stream, but has now stuck

Apparently, FFXIV now has an “easy” mode for some encounters. My subscription for FFXIV has lapsed, but I will at some tpoint do a quick month to check if i can get past that encounter i was having issue with. Not sure yet if i want a 5th MMO to play, but the occasional day in FFXIV might happen on Fridays.

Twitch – Main


Other Stuff

Started work, slowly on setting up the Discord for stuff. Gonna be adding a bot to help manage things, but it’s a low priority for now.


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