A stylised globe/world

Apologies for today’s article being rather short and a very brief overview, battling with some heat-induced nausea right now is not fun!

Anyways, today is an overview/listing of the 12 major deities. I’ve already named them in the article about the calendar, as the months are named after them.

Lastly, the links below are placeholders and are added to auto-create the base blank articles which I will fill in later.

The Deities of Easthalen

It is a known fact that the current batch of deities are not the first. They are not the creators of the world, but its caretakers. The deities of Easthalen are in many ways like those of other worlds, but they all share certain aspects: 

  • They have divine power
  • They can “share” that power with their followers
  • Functionally immortal
  • Were born mortal
  • Acheived their status through a Godshard
  • Have a preferred form/gender/pronouns that match their orginal mortal form, but their avatar can take any form they desire
  • Even though they are known for one or two major aspects (time, death etc etc) the main 12 have very wide-ranging divine portfolios, some of which may overlap with other deities in some form.

 For the deities, there are three so-called power levels: 

  • Minor – Those who could be called divine servants, a step above supernatural beings, a deity in name only…for now, they handle only one or two aspects of creation.
  • Major – They oversee one or two aspects and report only to one of the major deities. They direct/oversee several related aspects of creation.
  • True – The true divine beings who have through use of a Godshard become truely divine. They have the largest (apart from the 12) divine portfolios.

 Even within the “true” teir there are hierarchies, with the 12 (techinally 13) being the top of the pile. Something that confuses many visitors is that there are no “good” or “evil” deities here. They group themselves along the “lawful” or “neutral” or “chaotic” axis. For example, the God of Time, Tembius, who is lawfully aligned, is considered by many that have encounted him, or more correctly his avatar, to be “an asshole who takes his duities VERY seriously.” But to be fair, the last time he was lax in his role it led to , indirectly, the rise of Halen. This alingment can catch visitors off guard, but many scholars have agreed that the fact that these beings used to be mortals, some , if not all, of their personality and morals have carried over once they ascended. 

Deities of Law

  • Aerna – Trade/Commerce, generosity
  • Ediuan– Law & Order/Justice, honour
  • Meavona – Love/Relationships
  • Tembius – Time & travel/movement


Deities of Neutrality

  • Belia – The Holy Blacksmith, She-who-forges-the-world, the maker
  • Chaloe – Nature & weather
  • Chekchek, god of chaos, chance and luck
  • Deklan – Death and Endings


Deities of Chaos

  • Fruidwin – Diseases and Disasters
  • Galiang – Mischief/trickery/misfortune
  • Meki – War and conflict
  • Splia – Darkness/Destruction

Next time, I’ll cover an overview of the Great Nation-houses.

Easthalen – My homebrew campaign world

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