This week’s world-building “10 questions about….” covers the topic of artificial beings or constructs. These can apply easily to a fantasy setting as a sci-fi one with minimal tweaking, using construct as a generic term for mobile Artificial-Intelligences (in a sci-fi setting) or Mechanical Servants for a more high-end fantasy setting.
For this set of questions, constructs refer to a being that is semi or wholely independent and is made/manufactured not birthed or otherwise made “naturally,” often from inorganic materials.
- What are constructs typically made from?
- What size and shape are they?
- How independent are they?
- What governs their behaviour?
- Who, or what makes them and grants them awareness?
- What rights, if any, do they have?
- What nicknames, derogatory or otherwise, are given to constructs?
- How do the general population view them?
- Are there any restrictions on who is allowed to make use of them?
- What are constructs most commonly used for?
Bonus question: What was the last major newsworthy incident involving a construct?
The ongoing & growing list of world-building prompts & questions can be found HERE.
What world-building topic would you like to see next time? Let me know in the comments below or on social media like Twitter.