Universe Sky Stars Space Cosmos  - geralt / Pixabay

This weeks “10 Questions About…” series gives you ten question about some of the cosmoslogical aspects of your world. The cosmos is another word for “the universe” and here we will be using it to help flesh out what the inhabitants of the world see when they look up into the sky, often at night.

To keep things simple and easy to read, unless obviously stated, the questions here apply to the home star system.


  1. Compared to Earth, how big is the main planet(s)?
  2. Compared to the Sol system, how big is the system?
  3. How long does a planet take to rotate on its axis? (Day length)
  4. How long does it take a planet to go around the parent star? (Year length)
  5. How many moons, if any, are orbiting the home planet?
  6. How many planets are in the system & what are their names?
  7. Is the home system a single star, binary system or more?
  8. What is the name of the star(s) in the home system?
  9. What naming or classification system is used to name the planets?
  10. What non-planetary/moon features are present in the system?

Bonus Question: Is there a unique cosmological feature only found in this system? If so what is it?



The on-going list of world building prompts & questions can be found HERE.  (Current prompt count : 121)

World Anvil gives you a series of tools, templates and prompts to help manage and build your world – See more HERE

What world-building topic would you like to see next time? Let me know in the comments below or on social media like Twitter.

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