Planet Xiroph

As many of you know, I’m kinda , not obsessed, but definitely have an interest in making generators and tools. After a binge of making them yesterday and posting on itch etc, the thought occurred to me that I can make the document list into a, not a generator but a “pick a random topic and a prompt for it”. This is something I can then have as a page, in a post like this one, on the front page or even a stand-alone thing.

Eventually, but I know this will prove to be fiddly so may be dropped as an idea, I hope to have images within it, ones I already have the rights to use – no A.I. nonsense!

Updating it will be relatively easy, the tricky part will setting it up in a format I want.

This is a long-winded way of saying there is no world-building post/10 questions today, but this is why, it is a good thing!


List of world-building prompts & questions

List of prompts and questions for characters

World Anvil gives you a series of tools, templates and prompts to help manage and build your world –  (Affiliate Link)

What world-building topic would you like to see next time? Let me know in the comments below or on social media.


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